I see a therapist on a semi-regular basis. I just wanted to throw that out there because, in some circles, there’s still a stigma attached to needing help and then getting help. To be perfectly honest, I was a little worried about how I’d be perceived and felt weird about it at first. I’d be lying if I said it felt like anything but a personal failure when I scheduled my first appointment.
I suspect many people have that same sort of trepidation. The stereotype that therapy is only for weak-willed people who can’t get their shit together may be less prevalent, but it’s still around, and it’s not helpful. It’s an obstacle which prevents people who need help from getting help and it has no more basis in fact than the idea that vaccines cause autism.
I’ve had good results with therapy. I got different perspectives and approaches for dealing with problems which had resisted my tunnel-visioned approach. Even when I’m not struggling with anything in particular, it’s not a bad thing to make sure you’re not veering off into self-deception territory. My experience isn’t universal and may not even be typical, but it’s worked well for me.
I try to be open about my experiences. I hope I can help ease a little of the stigma in some folks’ minds, or answer some questions, or help out in some small way. Mental issues are real. Telling people to just tough it out is no more helpful or realistic than telling someone with a broken arm to “just get over it.”
So, if you have any questions for me about my experiences, please feel free to contact me.
This image of Margaret Cho and Amanda Palmer has nothing to do with therapy. A google image search on the word “therapy” provides fewer interesting choices than I would have guessed.