Before we get started, it’s been a tough few weeks. We’ve had health issues, including cat health issues, that have been taking up most of my mental clock cycles. The weather has been The Suck. Work has been tough. I can’t even see my comfort zone from here. There’s been a lot going on. But…I have a process!* I should be getting a lot more up here over the next few weeks.
* By “process,” I mean a checklist. Baby steps.
To Bob:
Man, your taste in music was always so much better than mine. I didn’t “get” Echo and the Bunnymen, Talk Talk, or The Call or so many other bands you’d play for me and I just wasn’t into them for whatever reason. Kudos man. I have grown to appreciate ’em and they’re fantastic.
To Curtis:
A little late with this, but aside from the fact that you could spell “discipline” properly and held your ground in spite of my insistence. Also, you were right about conservatism and lawyers, and I was very much wrong.
To Patrick:
Steve Dillon was awesome. I used to make fun of his art because I was not too fond of the chins on some of the characters, and his hatching bugged me (this goes for Steve Yeowell as well). I re-read my old Hellblazers and I just could not have been more wrong. His work is absolutely stunning, particularly regarding faces and emotions.
To My Sister and Robyn:
I am not a reasonable man. I try to be, but I am not. When I believe something, I believe it and get very absolutist about it. Both of you have been extremely patient with my tendency to take after my father and get downright religious about some of this stuff.
To My Dad:
I’m not going to say you were right and I was wrong, but I wasn’t nearly kind enough and I let that get between us.
To My Mom:
Night Of The Hunter was a damned good film. Sorry for laughing at it the first time you showed it to me.
To Mrs. Gafford:
I was kind of a shit to you in all of your classes. I know, and I’m sorry. You always did right by me. I actually liked your classes more than any others. My simile poem was not only over the top but largely inaccurate. The Tide Rises, The Tide Falls.
To Mamie:
You and your hubby were right about Austin. Took us a little longer to get it.
To Ted Leo:
When your voice was going, I heckled “Less rock, more talk!” and, while I still contend it was funny, it was wrong as you were there to rock and you did so quite well under the circumstances.
To Dan:
Ryman Auditorium, not Ryland. Derp. I should have listened to you, even though neither was the answer to the question.
To Everyone Else:
Y’all, I’m wrong about a lot of stuff all the #$#$% time. Once I get around to admitting it, it turns into “learning” and “growth.” This is not an inclusive list; I owe lots of folks apologies for all kinds of things. These were just at the top of my mind. If I didn’t mention you by name, I’m either clueless, or I’m still so mortified by what I did that I’m not eager to air it just yet.
Thanks. My soul feels lighter now.