We’ve done the thing(s) and we’re just waiting for results and/or answers.
This next bit is, in my opinion, frank but not gross. Your mileage may vary. Just wanted to give you a heads up and an opportunity to close this tab. I’ll be happy to share more specific details with anyone interested, as the goal is to de-mystify and maybe encourage folks to get tested for prostate concerns sooner rather than later.
I don’t have to be that vague about one of those things. I had my biopsy on Tuesday. The procedure itself was…fine? For a full-blown “check-in to the hospital, lots of brightly colored wristbands, ‘Are you sure you don’t want to fill out these advance directive forms for what we should do if things go terribly wrong which they almost never do?'” sort of procedure, it was not especially eventful seeing as I was unconscious for the most unpleasant bits.
The doctor described how I would feel afterward quite accurately. I was a bit out of it for a day, I have some soreness near the perineum, and there’s blood in wildly varying amounts and will be for a couple of weeks, but for the most part, I’m unimpaired. Now it’s just a matter of finding out the results. No point in worrying about it. The die is cast and has settled, we’re just waiting for the cup to be lifted. We expect to hear the result on Monday. I can worry about it then.
The other thing is much more positive, or at least has the potential to be, but I don’t want to share anything until it’s a bit more concrete. It is absolutely not related to pregnancy should anyone interpret my caginess thusly. It’s a good thing, and progress is being made, but this next hurdle is the big one. Wish me luck, or, more properly, wish Nicole luck.
Life is not without joy right now, but I want to save the really good ones for another post. They’re silly and inconsequential, but joy doesn’t require them to be otherwise. You wouldn’t know it from most of what I’ve written, but our overall health is actually quite good and very much on the upswing. The doctors have been shocked that I’ve…um, well, basically, all I’ve done is do what they’ve asked me to do: Alter my diet significantly, increase my activity, and take the pills they tell me to take. I’m highly motivated*; I have things to live for.
So, yes, basically, this is a post telling my literally several readers that I have nothing new to report. It’s been that kind of week. For the second straight weekend, work has consumed considerable chunks of time and that leaves me with a very nervous feeling of “I must make maximum use of the time I do have!” Of course, that feeling paralyzes me and I wind up doing the opposite. This is why I have a therapist, right?
Alrighty, that’s it then. It’s late, I’m tired. I may even be tired to sleep. Only one way to find out. G’night, all.
* Dear Grammarly, I appreciate you reminding me that adverbs do not require hyphens even when they both look and feel as though they should. Just don’t expect me to stop doing it. Sincerely, Ridley