Last week, Nicole and I celebrated our seven-year anniversary. Well, it was our wedding anniversary; we’ve been together for almost twice that long. Using either starting point the time has flown by, but it also feels like it’s been much longer. It’s like those shots directors just love where they zoom in while the dolly is taking the camera back, leaving the subject essentially static but the background gets all flooby.
Re-reading that bit, it’s not clear that what I mean is the time has flown like a marvelous carnival ride while at the same time, it feels like she’s been with me from the start. I mean it in a good way, but I’m very, very tired. Also, time is weird and subjective experience of time just doubles down on the strangeness.
We decided not to make A Big Thing of It this year and drove down to the beach, staying in a little resort and just relaxing. Given how the external things have been going, it was just what we needed. Got our feet in the water, got some sand on our clothes, got to hear water and air moving in big, implacable walls as opposed to the splattering notes we get at home.

We dined like the touristas we were. That meant visiting our favorite bayfront establishment, Pier 99 in Corpus’ North Beach area. It sits between the aquarium and the USS Lexington and it’s exactly what you’d expect. It’s mostly patio, it’s got oh-so-many seagulls, and the food isn’t as good as you’d hope but it’s exactly what you’d expect. Go for the fried shrimp basket, but I probably didn’t need to tell you that. Oh, and they’re big sea turtle lovers, so that’s a plus in my book.
We also hit up Doc’s Seafood and Steaks, another mostly outdoor joint on one of the channels on the south side of town. The food and the vibe were very similar, so I went with the shrimp basket again. Nicole ordered the steak (and there was only one) and it was shockingly large and even more shockingly good. Fortune favours the bold. I believe all coastal cities are required to have a place called “Doc’s.”
It’s probably rude to note that part of the appeal was spending time away from four cats, but in the interest of complete and total honesty…that was part of the appeal. The resort, a new joint called Lively Beach, was clean, close to the beach, and weirdly affordable. No beach views because of the sand dunes, but otherwise? We were very happy with it.
Most of the time, I’m a fan of the “huge gesture” anniversary celebration. This time, we just need a break and some “us time.” Mission: accomplished. We needed a little break as we’ve been largely homebodies of late. Not gonna lie, though. Even it had rained like mad (and we missed that by a day) and we spent all day in the room? Still would have been nice. Still would have been worth it.
Since she doesn’t read this, I can say pretty much whatever I want. Nicole supports me like you wouldn’t believe. She has an uncanny sense of what I need at any given time. It’s almost spooky and hugely appreciated. I can’t wait for whatever we do next. Not just next year. Next.

Mermaid hair. Don’t care.